Wsparcie narodu ukraińskiegoodpowiedź od naszych przyjaciół |

Wsparcie narodu ukraińskiego
odpowiedź od naszych przyjaciół

Dostaliśmy odpowiedź od naszych ukraińskich przyjaciół! Poniżej publikujemy wiadomość od Pani Ludmiły Krawczenko z Ukraińskich Unii Kredytowych. Kasa Krajowa i cały system SKOK wspiera naród ukraiński w tych trudnych czasach i mamy również nadzieję, że niedługo spotkamy się na wolnej ukraińskiej ziemi z naszymi przyjaciółmi. Życzymy dużo odwagi w tych strasznych chwilach.

Dear Friends!

Thank you for your letter, for your words of solidarity and support. This is very important for us.

The war unleashed by Russia once again had clearly demonstrated the difference between the civilized worldviews between Ukraine and Russia. And the trouble is that it is not about this difference in worldviews of the state leadership, but about the difference in worldviews between nations. Everything that Russia is doing is passionately supported by its citizens who want blood, our blood. We have never been and will never be brothers forever.

The recent places of attacks in Ukraine are the same ones that Hitler attacked in 1941. And your analogy with 1939 is completely true. The manual is the same. Russia has chosen a „good” teacher.

I would like to thank Poland for its comprehensive support in all areas. You are our real friends and it is incredible to know that we can count on you. We will stand and win! I know for sure that we will soon meet in Kyiv and celebrate our common victory!

Слава Україні – Героям Слава!

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